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Navigating the intersection of ESG and intellectual property: the rise of green patents

As businesses increasingly focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, the significance of green patents is growing. These patents cover innovations that help the environment and are crucial for driving sustainable technologies.

Let’s explore how green patents fit into the ESG framework, provide some examples, and discuss what it means for companies and investors.

What Are Green Patents?

Green patents protect new technologies aimed at environmental benefits. These innovations can range from renewable energy solutions to carbon capture technologies. They encourage companies to invest in research and development (R&D) that leads to more sustainable practices. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Solar power innovations – companies like Tesla and First Solar have numerous patents related to improving solar panel efficiency and energy storage solutions. These innovations are crucial for making solar power more viable and cost-effective.
  2. Wind energy technologies – General Electric (GE) holds patents for advanced wind turbine designs that increase energy capture and efficiency. These patents contribute to making wind energy a more competitive alternative to fossil fuels.
  3. Electric Vehicle (EV) technologies – companies like Toyota and Tesla are leading in patents related to battery technology and electric drivetrains. These innovations help in extending the range and reducing the costs of EVs, promoting cleaner transportation options.
  4. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) – ExxonMobil and Shell have developed technologies for capturing carbon dioxide emissions from industrial sources and storing them underground. These patents are vital for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from heavy industries.
  5. Water purification systems – patents for advanced water filtration and desalination technologies, held by companies like Dow Chemical, are essential for providing clean water in regions facing water scarcity.
The Connection Between ESG and Innovation

Interestingly, research shows that companies with lower ESG scores, like those in the energy sector, are leading in green patent production. Despite their low ESG ratings, these firms are producing significant and high-quality green innovations. This suggests that ESG scores and actual environmental innovation do not always align perfectly​​.

Given this mismatch, there are calls to rethink how ESG investments are made. Current strategies often exclude energy firms because of their lower ESG scores, despite their contributions to green technology. Adjusting these strategies to reward actual green innovation could lead to better environmental outcomes​​.

Fast-Tracking Green Patents

To help green technologies reach the market faster, some regions have introduced accelerated examination processes for green patents. This fast-track system aims to cut down the time it takes for these innovations to be deployed, thus maximizing their environmental benefits quickly​​.

Lithuania does not currently have a dedicated fast-track system specifically for green patents. However, globally, several countries have implemented such programs to expedite the processing of environmentally beneficial technologies.

For example, the UK has the “Green Channel” which allows for accelerated processing of green technology patents, enabling these innovations to reach the market more quickly. Similarly, countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have also introduced fast-track procedures for green patents. These programs significantly reduce the time required for patent examination, promoting rapid innovation and deployment of sustainable technologies.

China is currently leading the world in the number of green patents filed. According to the latest data, China filed the most patent applications related to renewable energy and other green technologies. This is followed by the United States and Japan, which also have robust patent systems supporting green technology development​.

For Lithuania, aligning with these global trends by introducing a fast-track system for green patents could significantly enhance the country’s ability to foster sustainable technological advancements and contribute to global environmental goals.

Challenges and Opportunities

While green patents are a positive development, they come with challenges. Companies may use patents to block competitors, which can slow down overall progress. It’s important to find a balance that promotes sharing and collaboration, ensuring that green technologies benefit everyone​

The intersection of ESG and intellectual property through green patents presents both opportunities and challenges. By encouraging and rewarding true green innovation, businesses can align more closely with ESG goals and contribute to a more sustainable future. For a deeper dive into this topic, explore the research from the National Bureau of Economic Research and Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge.

Discover more about green inventions::
WIPO | Green
EPO | European Patent Office