Dispute Resolution, Arbitration & Conflict Management
August 22, 2024

Successful Representation in a Major Contractual Penalty Dispute

Triniti Jurex successfully represented one of the largest paper and cardboard companies in a dispute regarding the enforcement of contractual penalties. Our team successfully represented one of the largest paper and cardboard manufacturing companies operating in the Lithuanian market in a dispute with an international element concerning the enforcement of contractual penalties. The dispute arose over the return of specific energy-generating equipment, valued at more than EUR 110,000, which had been leased, and the recovery of the value of such equipment.

The court found that the claimant had failed to fulfill its obligations to properly maintain and service the specific leased object, and therefore, the claimant itself must assume responsibility for its inaction. It was established in the case that the equipment, recognized as a greater source of danger, had been inspected negligently. Furthermore, the claimant did not organize the proper retrieval and conservation of the equipment after the termination of the lease agreement, which could have resulted in additional defects in the equipment.

By applying foreign law and interpreting complex equipment maintenance instructions, the Triniti Jurex team successfully convinced the court to reject the claimant’s demand for contractual penalties equivalent to the value of the equipment and interest. This successful outcome once again confirms our team’s expertise in complex disputes requiring specific knowledge.