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Lukas Pultaražinskas

Vecākais juriskonsults
Zvērināts advokāts

Lukas Pultaražinskas is a tax expert specializing in tax optimization, structuring and litigation. He is result-oriented, constantly monitoring goals to determine how close they are and what it will take to reach them. It is this particular trait that his clients most appreciate. 

Lukas has gained international taxation knowledge from working in the company BIG4 and studying International Tax Law in leading tax-law universities in the Netherlands. And it is this experience that has convinced him that there are no unsolvable tax-related problems.

Lukas is a tax lawyer who is proficient in all tax-related matters. He has won numerous cases against the Tax Authorities in court, where taxation in some cases exceeded 500,000 euros. However, his best results are reached when clients approach him before any possible disputes. Tax optimization and tax structuring are his primary areas of expertise, which helps clients save thousands of euros.


Maastricht University  – Master of Laws (LL.M.), International and European Tax Law Master of Laws (LL.M.), 2015 – 2016.

Vilnius University – Master of Laws, 2010 – 2015.

The future in my specialty is

Taxation was and will always be a primary topic for debate, and it drives decisions on policy, trade, strategy and business transformation. Tax-related requirements change at least twice per year, and it is cumbersome for business owners to constantly keep up with these amendments and stay on the right track. Together we can be sure that the future is crystal clear and all possible tax leakages can be avoided.

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