Intelektinės nuosavybės teisė
Žiniasklaidos ir pramogų teisė
7 balandžio, 2021

Triniti Jurex konsultavo klientą dėl licencinės sutarties su Universal Studios Limited sudarymo

TRINITI JUREX intellectual property team consulted the client on conclusion of a license agreement with Universal Studios Limited. The agreement enables the client to use the intellectual property objects of Universal Studios Limited in its business activities.

The professionals of TRINITI JUREX intellectual property practice group consulted the client on the possible breach of technology patent in the USA, cooperated with colleagues in the USA and provided a legal opinion as well as a comparative analysis of the product and patent.

TRINITI JUREX intellectual property team consulted the client on repackaging of a pharmacy product and the prohibition to use a trademark belonging to another person in the European union market.