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Sten Veidebaum

Vyresnysis teisininkas

Sten is a renowned transaction counsel with experience as attorney since 1998. Sten is a member of the TRINITI transaction team and Financial, Transport and Infrastructure and Corporate Law working groups. Sten specializes in counselling of financing and M&A transactions, with focus on transport, infrastructure and fintech industries.

Sten is appreciated as skilled legal counsel and experienced project manager in transaction projects involving complicated cross-border corporate and financing structures. Being a member of the TRINITI Estonia transaction team, Sten is usually involved in all the major transaction projects the Firm handles.Sten is also highly valued by the clients for his in-depth experience in negotiations and closing deals in focus industry areas such as transport (rail, aviation, shipping), fintech and energy. Having a practical mind and a business-minded approach make him a trusted partner for his clients in their major transactions and day-to-day business matters.

Key highlights of his recent experience include:

  • 2021 Advising Utilitas OÜ and City of Tallinn in mandatory takeover bid for the shares of Tallinna Vesi (TVEAT),
  • 2021 Advising OÜ Transpordivarahaldus in issue and refinancing of secured bonds (2017 and 2018, total issue 36 MEUR) and acquisition of CRJ900 airplanes;
  • 2019 Impact assessment and draft bills for Estonia’s accession to the Capetown Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment.

His clients include Enefit Power, Transpordi Varahaldus, Rail Baltic, Exscudo, Op Bank, Skeleton and others.


2002 Central European University, LLM (International Business Law).

2002 TMC Asser Institute, post-graduate studies in international business and European Union law.

1997 Tartu Ülikool, baccalaureus artium (in law).

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