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Ramil Pärdi


Ramil is one of the very few professional lawyers in Estonia having long and thorough experience over last 16 years in different aspects of immigration law. Combined with expertise and in-depth knowledge in taxation and corporate law, makes Ramil irreplaceable expert for the clients planning to set up or expand business locally as well as cross-border in terms of immigration, taxes, and corporate setup. In TRINITI, Ramil heads the immigration law practice group and tax law practice group. On top of that, Ramil also has notable expertise in everything related to real estate, such as spatial planning, construction, servitudes, etc.

Throughout his professional career Ramil has advised and helped both local companies and trans-national corporations such as Microsoft, Kühne+Nagel, Konecranes, etc in various immigration matters such as planning their business setup, arranging residency permits/visas, as well as contesting authorities’ decisions having negative impact on clients’ business.


Due to his long and diverse experience, Ramil is also a valued trainer on immigration law. Clients evaluate his right-to-the-point and pragmatic approach to their complex legal issues. Ramil is said to be extremely good in understanding the clients’ ultimate needs and finding working solutions to their everyday issues. He is solution-oriented and focuses on helping clients solve their problems.


Ramil is daily involved in advising clients and his colleagues finding best possible working solutions in various corporate and tax matters, including restructuring corporate structures, and real estate.

Some of the notable situations where Ramil has helped clients over last several years include:

  • helping a trans-national business in setting up corporate structure in terms of taxation aspects.
  • advising and successfully representing a client in the dispute with Estonian authorities in the case of premature termination of their temporary residency permits.
  • carrying out in- depth legal due diligences for an international real estate company regarding several valuable development properties in Tallinn.
  • advising and representing an international business structure in control procedures and disputes with Estonian Tax and Customs Board.


Ramil obtained a Master’s degree in law at the University of Tartu in 2009.

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