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Martin Järve

Vyresnysis teisininkas

Martin is a dispute resolution attorney whose strengths are business disputes and shareholder conflicts. Having a detailed understanding in other essential fields of business law such as corporate, securities and regulated fields of business make Martin a trusted partner for clients in advising their business in a wide range of matters. Clients view Martin as an attorney who devotes to finding solutions which promote commercial interests as well as legal compliance.

Martin’s proactive attitude, thoroughness and knowledge in a wide range of legal fields have ensured his success in numerous disputes and transactions over the years.

Being a member of the TRINITI Estonia Dispute Resolution team, Corporate Law team and Banking & Finance team allows Martin to offer his well-rounded advice to clients in their day-to-day business, disputes and transactions.


Some of Martin’s most noteworthy projects and experiences are:

  • Carrying out the mandatory takeover bid of Nasdaq-listed AS Tallinna Vesi shares. It was the first takeover bid in Estonia with joint-bidders (2021).
  • Advising buyers in negotiating and entering into a share sale agreement for the acquisition of a 35.3% holding in Nasdaq-listed infrastructure company AS Tallinna Vesi (2021).
  • Advising sellers in the sale transaction of an 85% stake in the energy producer Utilitas OÜ and entering into a shareholders’ agreement with a transaction value of over 300 million euro, including the performance of  Vendor  Due Diligence (2018).
  • Advising the buyer in the acquisition of a majority stake in the world’s leading thermally modified wood producer Thermory AS, including the performance of Due Diligence (2020).
  • Successfully representing a client in voiding a gratuitous contract of company shares worth millions of euros.
  • Acting as a security agent (Estateguru tagatisagent OÜ) in Estonia for one of the largest European real-estate crowdfunding platforms EstateGuru.

Having interned in a law firm in New York and studied abroad in Rotterdam, Copenhagen and Salzburg has given Martin valuable international legal experience.

Martin is keen on various sports, having been a competitive golfer and skier in the past.


Martin graduated cum laude from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tartu, Estonia in 2020.

In Fall 2019 Martin studied at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands specialising in transport and company law.

2018 – BA in Law, University of Tartu.

In 2018 Martin’s team won the Estonian Moot Court Competition and Martin was elected the best orator of the competition.

In 2018 Martin participated in the summer school “European Private Law” at the University of Salzburg, Austria.

In 2016 Martin participated in the summer school “Intellectual Property Rights in a European Perspective” at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

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