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Erki Vabamets


Erki is a highly renowned dispute resolution attorney. During his more than 20 years of experience, Erki has successfully represented clients in hundreds of litigation proceedings, incl. representing clients in the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and in the Estonian Chamber of Commerce. Erki is also a highly respected arbitrator, being one of the officially listed arbitrators in the Arbitration Institute of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and a permanent arbitrator of the Arbitration Tribunal of the Estonian Olympic Committee. Clients also view Erki as an irreplaceable attorney in cases of negotiation and solving shareholder conflicts.

Erki’s reputation for thoroughness and polished project management skills have ensured his success in over 85% of litigations in a career spanning more than 20 years.


Being a member of the TRINITI Estonia dispute resolution team (and its former leader for 10 years) Erki is involved in all the major litigation cases the firm handles. 


Erki is also highly valued by his clients for his in-depth experience in negotiations and closing deals. Having a practical mind and a business-minded approach make him a trusted partner for his clients in their day-to-day business matters. Another example of trust is that Erki has often been hired by colleagues from other law firms.


Key highlights of his experience include:

  • Representing SIA UniCredit Leasing Estonian branch (currently Citadele Leasing).
  • Representing AS Viasat (currently AS TV Play Baltics) successfully against Estonian Authors Union in a case of pan-European significance about whether satellite service provider’s need to obtain authors’ consent or pay remuneration for their activities.
  • Representing AS Äripäev against Nasdaq listed AS Tallink.
  • The merger of Max 123 and Võrguvara.
  • Restructuring of the Medicum Group, the largest outpatient care facility in Estonia.
  • Restructuring of SW Energia OÜ.


Erki is also a highly respected arbitrator, being one of the officially listed arbitrators in the Arbitration Institute of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and a permanent arbitrator of the Arbitration Tribunal of the Estonian Olympic Committee.


His clients include TV Play Baltics, Citadele Leasing, Äripäev, Medicum, Avallone, Estonian Olympic Committee, Estonian Golf and Country Club, Itella Estonia, Neiser Group, Largo, Realeyes, etc.



Erki graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Tartu, Estonia in 2000 and from the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, specializing in pre-trial investigation, in 1997.

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