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Cases of honour and dignity are delicate, sensitive, and, in most cases, public. Firm’s partner Jurgita Judickienė together with the team recently defended the interests of our clients: the Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre “Telecentras” and its CEO Remigijus Šeris. Lawyers proved that the former president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation Valdas Sutkus got offended unreasonably.
Two years ago, in an article on, Šeris told about some unpleasant encounters with Sutkus and his widely discussed words “daloj Šeris” (take away Šeris – in Russian). Sutkus applied to the court for insulting his honour and dignity, however, the Vilnius Regional Court acknowledged in its final ruling that all the statements expressed in the article correspond to reality and do not humiliate Sutkus’ honour and dignity. The court also ordered to reimburse all litigation costs incurred by both Šeris and the Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre. Congratulations on an honourable victory!
Please, read a detailed story (in Lithuanian) here.